1900 Polaris Pkwy #450 Columbus, OH 43240, USA
+1 (844) 738-3994 [email protected]

Flat Beds

Our Company provides transportation by flatbed trucks which has a number of specific features, that makes it the preferred mode of transport for the delivery of a number of items and materials and excludes the transportation of goods or things that require protection from aggressive environmental influences, dust and dirt, precipitation.

We Provide Flatbed Transportation in the US:

  • Long Non-Separable Structures;
  • Oversized Cargo;
  • Machine Tools;
  • Mechanisms and Devices for Industrial and Construction Purposes;
  • Containers;
  • Building Materials;
  • Trailers;
  • Change Houses;
  • Kiosks;
  • Tents;

  • Open Counters;
  • Bricks;
  • Fittings;
  • Pipes;
  • Curbs; etc...
  • Flatbed transportation of goods is in great demand when organizing intercity transfers. Transportation by open way using a Flatbed truck costs the customer significantly less than a trailer truck, but it is only suitable for goods that cannot fit into a closed body and / or are not affected by the environment. The flatbed loaders of Sky Fly Trucking carefully and delicately place the freight in the back of the truck and deliver it securely in order to eliminate the risk of damage to the product like rolling or falling out.

    Features of flatbed trucks

    The sides of the trucks open in any direction, so loading / unloading is possible from any side or from the rear end. Any load must be securely fixed. Several methods of fastening materials and structures are practiced: with blocking – tight arrangement of loads relative to each other and adjoining the sides; with a clamp – the use of special belts, cables, belts, ropes; with stretch marks – fastening to the rings and brackets of the flatbed itself using special belts. Our flatbed loaders have extensive experience in transporting in order to choose the most convenient and safest way. Flatbed is one of the most convenient ways to deliver large or even oversized cargo. This service is named after the vehicles involved. Flatbed trucks (in the professional environment, they are also called scows because of their resemblance to a floating craft) are open-body vehicles that are distinguished by:

    These trucks can have a length of 3 to 13 meters and a carrying capacity of up to 25 tons. Thus, delivery by airborne transport is suitable for any goods that do not lose their consumer properties due to bad weather.

    Spaciousness and maneuverability. Onboard cargo transportation is ideal for getting around the city. The same MAZs can accommodate a large number of goods and at the same time retain the ability to move along busy streets.

    Convenient loading and unloading. The sides of such trucks can be folded back from either side. This allows the load to be lifted alongside ramps and ramps, even if the vehicle does not have the ability to turn the other side.

    Transportation by flatbed truck is convenient because the driver can constantly monitor the condition of the cargo. In addition, this type of transport allows the goods to be securely fixed with belts and fastening brackets

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